Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

Dijual SPBU di Rest Area Tol Tangerang - Jakarta Km 14

For Sale : Gas Station = IDR 225 Billion

Dijual : SPBU dng nomr 341xxxx . Lokasi Sangat Strategis Tol Tanggerang Arah Jakarta KM 14, Rest Area yang paling ramai.
Klasifikasi Pasti Pas DIAMOND#SPBU No. 2 Terbaik Nasional.
Tangki Pendam 460 Ton, Canopy 11 Unit, Dispencer 17 Unit, 38 Nozzles. Alat Tambahan : ATG Flow Meter. Optim Gaz.
Tenant : 8 Resto, 35 Pujasera & Kantin. 2 Mini Market, 1 Bengkel, 1 Musholah. 39 Pintu Toilet. 6 ATM. Kapasitas Parkir 150 Kendaraan Kecil, 60 Kendaraan Besar. Luas Tanah terpakai 3 Ha. 2 SHGB s/d tahun 2037. Masa konsesi Jasa Marga 30 tahun dari Tahun 2006.
OMZET Th 2012 = IDR 350 Billion. SPBU 35 Jt liter/tahun.

Harga : IDR 225 Milyar
Hubungi : 081387412566 ( WA )



Senin, 07 Desember 2015

For Sale Lands in BALI

Most Important Criteria to You, an Astute Investor: Location & Size
The location and size of this rare piece of prime property give astute investors like yourself many possibilities.

Across the road is Jimbaran Bay (left side of the Layout), beautiful white sand beach - an extremely popular "seafood dining on the beach" area in Bali. Close to 1.1 Hectare in size, you have an option to build a few different businesses; Zoned as Visitor Accommodation, this land is great for a 4-5 star hotel; or an elite apartment complex.
For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

Turn Nice Land into Beautiful Villa Complex

Location, size and shape - this land has it all.

Situated on the main road in Canggu - Jalan Raya Batu Bolong, it is only 2km to Canggu and Echo Beach, two of the most popular surfing beaches in Bali; and is only about 10km to the famous Canggu Club, Bali's premiere club - where expatriates and their friends often visit to minggle with others, enjoy grand sporting events on giant screen or play sports.

With 37m front width and total land size of 2950m2, it is ideal to build a beautiful villa complex on it. By focusing on expats and friends as the main target markets, you'll get a good rental rate here.

 For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

Wonderful Klungkung

Being the smallest regency in Bali, with approximately 180,000 in population (2013), Klungkung is a town of great historical, cultural, and artistic significance.
Gelgel, just to the south of Klungkung, was the seat of the mighty Majapahit empire in the 15th and 16th century, which then moved to Klungkung itself in the 17th century. This was a golden age for art and culture in Bali, and Klungkung was the centre of it all.
This beautifully shaped plot with a total land size of 26,890m2, has an entrance from the Bypass Ida Bagus Mantra – a divided wide and smooth highway. Located about 20 km from Sanur, it is quiet and peaceful here, and is very suitable to build a nice villa or housing complex.
 For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

For SALE : Hotel, and Villa in BALI

 For SALE :


Beautiful Villa - Beachside Sanur

Located on the main road at the beachside of Sanur, only about 10 minute walk to famous restaurants in Danau Tablingan and also about 10 minute walk to beach - built on 1200m2 of land, this beautiful has a lot of space for a family.
For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

Beautiful 4 Star Hotel in Kuta, Bali
Nicely located in the prime area in Kuta, only 10km from the airport, so close to Legian and Seminyak, this excellent 4 star hotel has almost everything in it.
162 rooms from deluxe to executive suite, a 399m2 ball room, spa & fitness area, a convenient store, and a business center… just to name a few.
Built just over 2 years ago on 5105m2, this great hotel has 5 floors + basement, with total building size 13,343m2
For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

Strategically located in the busiest part of the business district in Kuta, this hotel is very popular to visitors and business people alike - who want to be close to everything, literally!

Airport is only 10 minutes away, and the most popular gift giant "Krishna" - located on the same main street, is only a short minutes drive.
This 91 room hotel has 6 floors including the basement. Opened only in February 2013, this newy peoperty is now ready for you to take over.

For Detail information, Click follow LINK :

Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

For Sale : Hospital in Jakarta City - Indonesia

 For Sale :  Hospital in Jakarta City

 Jakarta Selatan
Price : IDR :  400 Billion

Luas Bangunan: 12.000,00 m²  /   Luas Tanah: 6.000,00 m²    

 Legalitas SHGB - lokasi sederetan dengan gedung sucoffindo - 4 lantai - jumlah kamar pasien  >100 unit.  Di area lahan rumah sakit sedang di bangun gedung baru yang rencana pembangunan nya jadi 6 lantai - saat ini sudah berjalan jadi 4 lantai dan ada basement sebagai lahan area parkir - nanti nya akan ada 2 bangunan gedung di lahan rumah sakit tersebut

 For Sale :  Hospital in Jakarta City
 Price : IDR 1,2 Trillion

For Sale: Hospital in CIBUBUR - Beroperasi sejak 10 oktober 2003 Luas lahan +/ 1 Ha. - Gedung utama 4 lt dan basement 1 - Gedung Women's Wing 4 lt - Gedung maintenance
fasilitas: - Rawat inap dgn 167 tmpt tidur - Kelas VVIP s/d kls 3 - Rawat jln - UGD dan Dokter umum - Dokter Spesialis (anak, gigi, gizi, jantung, penyakit dalam, kandungan, mata, kulit dan kecantikan, tulang dll - ICU, USG, CT Scan, hemodialisia, Rontgen, Laboratorium - Ruang operasi dan rawat bayi - Apotik - Ruang bermain anak - ATM Kantin, cafe - Ambulance - parkir luas - mortuari - IPAL.

Rumah Sakit di Cibubur ini telah menjalin kerjasama dengan KK Hospital Singapura & Rafles Hospital Singapura serta menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak Jepang untuk program Stamp Cap (penyimpanan tali pusat bayi yang berguna untuk penyembuhan berbagai penyakit)

Update terbaru:
- Tahun 2016 akan dibangun gedung khusus untuk pelayanan bpjs.
- Akan dibangun lahan khusus untuk parkir pasien, karyawan & pengunjung di bagian belakang RS.
- Penghasilan rata2 perbulan 13-14 M
- Target thn 2015 sekitar 170 M

Siapkan Loi, bukti kesiapan dana,dan surat audensi

Di jual cepat dan jalur fast track
Price : IDR 1,2 Trillion.

 For Sale : Hospital  in Jakarta City
                 Price :  IDR 300 Billion

 Gedung RS 4 Lantai + 1 Semi Basement

Luas tanah: 3554 m2,   Luas bangunan: 1279 m2,   Lantai 5
Fasilitas pelayanan:

1. Ruang Bedah (OK)
2. Rawat Inab 34 Kamar dengan 40 tempat tidur 37 tempat tidur super VIP, VIP, Kelas 1 & 2 serta 8 tempat tidur kelas 3